jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

Chapter 9
 Janie begins to rebuild her life, after Jody's funeral, she thinks about the values Nanny taught her, she never taught, and after some month she stops pretending she is sad about Jody's dead.

Chapter 10
Janie meets Tea Cake that went to the store to buy some cigarets <3.

Chapter 11
Janie and Tea Cake liked each other, but Janie wasn't sure about it because he was younger, but then they decided to show up as an official couple in the town's picnic.

Chapter 12
Everyone in the town talks about their relation, Pheoby wash't really sure about, so Janie plans to live the town with Tea Cake to form a new like in other place.

Chapter 13
They move to an other city and get marry there, Janie has some money Tea Cake spends in a Party, she gets mad and tells him that she wants to enjoy everything he does too, he promises her that and saves some money in the bank.

Chapter 14
Janie is totally in love with Tea Cake and decides to start working with him to spend more time with him<3.

Chapter 15
Janie gets jealous of Nunkie a girl that flirts with Tea Cake and when she tries to hit him about that, he stops her and it becomes a passion nigth<3.

Chapter 16
Janie meets Mrs Turner a black woman who would like to be white, she likes Janie because she is 25% white, and she wants her to marry her white brother, Tea Cake meets Mr. Turner a man who seem to be dominated by her wife.

Chapter 17
There is a fight between 2 men, in Mrs. Turner's restaurant she blames her innocent husband :(.

Chapter 18
Some native americans announce a hurricane but Tea Cake decides to ignore it, abs some people stay too, and the lake come towards them, a dog bites Tea Cake's cheek and when they arrive to a safe place Janie thanks Tea Cake for saving her life.

Chapter 19
After the hurricane Janie and Tea Cake to a town with racist people, so they decide to leave. Tea Cake gets really bad, and Janie finds a gun, and she shoots Tea Cake.

Chapter 20
Janie realizes she will never forget Tea Cake, she also realise what real love is, and she finds out that people will always talk about her but she doesn't care anymore.

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